CLDS 4G Programme
The Local Social Development Contract - 4th Generation, is a social development support program, regulated by Ministerial Order 229/2018, published in DR no. 156, Series I of 14 August, and aims to promote the social inclusion of population groups that show greater levels of social fragility in a given territory, mobilizing for this purpose the integrated action of various agents and locally available resources, constituting an instrument to combat social exclusion, strongly marked by a proximity intervention carried out in partnership, in order to:
To increase the levels of social cohesion in the municipalities targeted by the intervention by stimulating changes in their socio-territorial situation;
Focussing intervention on the population groups that show the most significant fragility in each territory, promoting change in people's situations by taking their vulnerability factors into account;
Encouraging the pooling of efforts between the public and private sectors in the promotion and implementation of projects by mobilizing local players from different backgrounds;
Strengthen the link between the interventions to be developed and the different existing municipal planning instruments.
Triangular footprint
CLDS 4G, in the municipality of Faro, is called Triangular Footprint. It started on 6th July 2020 and lasted 36 months, ending on 5th July 2023.
The promoter of this operation is the Faro City Council and the Local Coordinating Entity for the Partnership (ECLP) is AIPAR - Associação de Proteção à Rapariga e à Família.
The operation is part of AXIS 2 - Family and Parental Intervention to prevent child poverty, implemented through compulsory actions.
To increase the levels of social cohesion in the intervention municipalities by stimulating changes in their socio-territorial situation;
Supporting family qualification processes, specifically those that provide information on citizenship rights, develop the skills of the respective members and provide crisis counseling;
Actions to mobilize children and young people - organizing activities that encourage healthy lifestyles and contribute to the development of cultural and sporting skills and education for full citizenship.
Supporting the mediation of family conflicts, in conjunction with the teams that intervene with families and/or their children, promoting the protection and promotion of the rights of children and young people;
The realization of these actions implies the involvement of partners, whenever possible, to find solutions to the different problems faced by the people involved, and promote the inclusive growth and development of the territories.
With its implementation, the intention is to develop an intervention that:
It includes informing families/individuals about citizens' rights and duties;
Signposting/referral of people in need of goods/services;
Leisure activities for children and young people;
Family and parental intervention/empowerment in situations of social exclusion, dependency and difficulty integrating into society, through education/qualification processes, building/(re)orientating life projects and strengthening social competencies/relationships.
According to the Action Plan, approved by the Local Social Action Council, the following activities are to be implemented:

Actions to raise awareness and promote personal, social and emotional skills through themed games;

Financial Literacy
Awareness-raising/information and recreational activities on financial literacy for children aged between 6 and 12;

+ Future
Awareness/information sessions to prepare for Life Autonomy;

Create +
Awareness-raising activities which, through expressive and entertaining sessions, aim to train entrepreneurial skills in young people aged between 12 and 14;

Family Resource Centre
Support for low-income families in terms of digital access to public services and referral to social responses in the municipality;

Information and awareness-raising sessions on family issues

Parenting and positive communication sessions
To find strategies to mediate conflicts.

Leisure activities and family and social interaction

Free-time workshops during school breaks (Christmas, Easter and summer)

Artistic expression workshops to work on social inclusion and gender equality
Who is it for?
Families with children and young people, primarily those with low economic resources, who are vulnerable or experiencing situations of poverty, risk of social exclusion, school failure, problems associated with risky or disruptive behavior, or of other orders/natures, living in the municipality of Faro.
Partner organizations in the municipality of Faro are looking for answers to support families in situations of vulnerability, from a proactive and cooperative perspective, seeking solutions to the different problems and challenges faced by families and children.
Territory of Coverage?
Faro municipality, with a special focus on the areas of the Conceição and Estoi parish union, the parish of Montenegro, as well as the Sé and São Pedro parish union, where activities will focus primarily on residents of the Presidente João Negrão Belo neighborhood, better known as Cidade de Hayward, as well as Patacão.
Technical Team
We are a multidisciplinary team, made up of technicians from different areas, who organize the actions included in the action plan, in partnership with the various entities that make up the social network, or other entities that seem relevant to the development of the actions:
Maria Nunes – Technical Coordinator / Social Worker;
Filipa Biel – Senior Technician / Sociologist;
Sónia Esteves – Senior Technician / Economist